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Tag: stress

I’ve gone compartmental

Posted in Brittain Fellowship, Digital Humanities, Job search, Reflections, and Research

Sunny Sunday morning. The temperature is finally dropping below 80. And the leaves are changing. I still can’t get used to autumn in the south … No outdoors for me, though. The lists and stacks and deadlines just grow and loom. It’s not enough that there are seventy-five wiki entries waiting for me to grade them; a thirty-five page article accepted by ROMARD needs to be edited and resubmitted in ten days (thanks for reminding me – have to contact the Newberry and request permission to use their title page from A Game at Chess in the article). 

Prioritizing priorities

Posted in Reflections

I find myself in a place where I am overwhelmed with good things. My article on A Game at Chess has been accepted by ROMARD for their December 2011 issue. I’ve been asked to submit an essay to the NTRMS volume on REED. I’m chairing three panels at RSA on Digital Pedagogy and Early Modern Studies. I’m chairing the DHSI 2012 colloquium as well as co-teaching a DHSI course on Digital Pedagogy. I continue to work on imageMAT. I’m working on proposals to edit Henry VIII for ISE and reinforce the connections between the Tarlton Project and REED. This on top of teaching three sections of London City Comedy and an independent study course with two students that ties into the AFI database project. Plus all the Brittain Fellow responsibilities. Not to mention trying to prepare for the job market.