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Author: Diane Jakacki

Early digital modern humanist. #a11y #reluctantpugilist

What We Teach When We Teach DH is Published!

Posted in Digital Pedagogy, and Publications

We are tremendously thrilled to announce that our edited volume, What We Teach When We Teach DH: Digital Humanities in the Classroom, has just been released in glorious print by the University of Minnesota Press. It’s the newest member of the Debates in the Digital Humanities series, which is edited by Matthew K. Gold and Lauren F. Klein, and is now available at all the finest establishments. 

This volume got its start at the banquet of the 2017 Digital Humanities Conference, where Brian asked Diane if she would like to work on a pedagogy-focused volume for the Debates series. Diane, having just not yet recovered from chairing the conference, was too delirious to say no. 

Over the next twelve months, we worked on a proposal for Matt and Lauren and prepared two related panels for the 2019 MLA Convention. The call for papers launched in January 2019. We received around 100 proposals, far more than could have ever fit in the book. The authors we invited to write full essays delivered their first versions late in 2019; we conducted an internal peer-to-peer review during the summer of 2020 using the second version of each chapter; and then authors continued revising, producing a third version in 2021, when the book was sent out for peer review. Revisions were of course made in response to the review, and the manuscript was accepted for publication in March 2022. Throughout the rest of the year, we worked with the editorial team at Minnesota to put the book into the proper style, and in the first half of 2023, the manuscript went through both copy editing and proofing. So, six years and four months after the initial idea, we are finally finished! That is, by the way, longer than either of us took to complete our PhD programs. 

Early Modern Performance ‘Events’ and Linked Open Data

Posted in Digital Humanities, Fulbright, and Research

The following is a description of the project I will be pursuing at the University of Guelph as a Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities, 2022-3.

This project develops and implements a new data model that makes discoverable REED London archival information to the semantic web. Working at the University of Guelph, with the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) and Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship (LINCS) teams and researchers will allow me to build upon complex understandings of ‘events’ in cultural and historical contexts that were heretofore not possible; through this project I will contribute to larger efforts to develop new ways for scholars and students across the humanities to establish connections across research subjects in the humanities.

REED London Online

Posted in Digital Humanities, and Research

REED London Online project website:

The REED London Online project aims to bring together documentary evidence of pre-modern London-centric theatre, performance, and music from 1100 to 1650. Growing from the transformational Records of Early English Drama (REED) project that has over four decades changed scholarly understandings of performance culture in England, Scotland, and Wales, REED London Online establishes an openly accessible online collection of archival, editorial, and bibliographic materials. Invaluable to theatre historians, these records have significant value as well to cultural, political and religious historians as well: due to the nature of performance in that period, the records included in the collection are drawn from legal documents, ecclesiastical and household records, personal and diplomatic correspondence. Thus, REED London offers a rich and complex narrative of London city life as well as information about the business of performance.