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Tag: digital rhetoric

Adventures in Digital Rhetoric, part the first

Posted in Pedagogy, and Teaching

Design by Fire Café #014
Design by Fire Café #014, Flickr

This term I’m teaching an ENGL 1102 course themed Digital Rhetoric and Interaction Design. It is a subject that has interested me since my corporate days at HBO cobbling together. I’m interested in discussions about how we use the tools and interfaces that we embrace so eagerly (at the moment I’m struggling to make my iPad keyboard respond with proper keystrokes.) As a website designer I’ve been guillty of assuming that ways in which I negotiate information and pursue tasks is in line with the ways in which (unknown to me) users work through the content I’ve presented.

The Quick Write and the Coke Machine …

Posted in Digital Pedagogy, Teaching, and Writing

… or, How I Learned to Love the Google Doc

Google Drive image, from Google website
Google Drive image, from Google website

This semester the subject of my English 1102 course is “The Rhetoric of Digital Media and Interaction Design.” I’ve wanted to teach this for a while: not only does it allow me to flex my DH muscles in a way I haven’t in the last few semesters, but I also believe there is a real need for Georgia Tech students to understand how and why they respond to digital media and how they can become better developers of well-crafted software.

Early indicators suggest that I’ve struck a nerve. This is the first semester I haven’t lost a single student in the drop/add period and I’m still getting emails asking if I’ll consider a course override. Several students have come up to me at the end of class and actually squee’d – something I haven’t experienced at GT at the start of Shakespeare-related courses. I’m working to incorporate as many meta-lessons as possible, encouraging students to break the tools and texts we’re using. And so the breaking has begun.