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Category: Teaching

How we Teach? Digital Humanities Pedagogy in an Imperfect World

Posted in Conferences, Digital Humanities, Digital Pedagogy, and Teaching

I was honoured to give this keynote at the CSDH/SCHN conference at Congress in Calgary on Wednesday.

I would like to start by thanking Susan Brown, Jon Bath, Michael Ullyot, and CSDH for inviting me to speak here. I’m sorry Susan isn’t here because I wanted her to hear this, too, so would someone tweet out to her that it is a particular honor for me to be here because #myDH (as the hashtag goes) is Canadian. Many of the people in this room have been directly responsible in ways they will never know for shaping my relationship to the Digital Humanities and my identity as a Digital Humanist – my training, my professionalization, my research and publication agenda. But more important, you have epitomized for me the possibilities for progressive, collaborative, thoughtful DH, and why that is crucial to the ways in which global DH should be conducted. You have also taught me that those possibilities come with responsibility, and that that responsibility cannot be taken lightly. And so I take this talk very seriously and personally.

Linn: the Next Generation

Posted in Digital Pedagogy, and Teaching

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything – mainly for lack of time and other writing deadlines, but also because I’ve been unsure what to write about in this space. I was hesitant to write about the course I taught in the fall while I was teaching it, and I’ve been cautious about writing anything professionally-oriented: so many people are writing (oftentimes articulately and also at times in incendiary tones) about alt-ac and DH and the state of higher education and the lack of jobs and and and … I just don’t feel like getting into a social media exchange about it. So I’ve just done a lot of sharing of other peoples’ FB posts and tweets.
But now spring is (supposedly) coming, and I’m starting to think about co-presenting on the first iteration of Humanities 100 with Katie Faull this summer at ACH and DH, and thought it might be a good time to write about teaching and learning again.

Adventures in Digital Rhetoric, part the second

Posted in Digital Pedagogy, Pedagogy, Social Media, and Teaching

Report Card, Summer 1903
Report Card

Time for a midterm evaluation of how the course is going and what type of job I’m doing as a teacher. Credit where due: Nirmal Trivedi hepped me to this last spring. He’s very wise. And yes, I wrote “hepped.” On purpose.

Deep breath. Here goes.