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Tag: academics

Is There Such a Thing as Digital Exceptionalism ..?

Posted in Digital Humanities, and Reflections

.. and is it a good witch? Or a bad witch?

I spend a lot of time talking to people – convincing people – wooing people to consider digital modes and methods when it comes to research and teaching. I’m happy doing this, not only because it’s my job, but because I (and excuse the goofy foot here) these things are fun for me, and I want to share that fun. Not the most serious, scholarly articulation, but those of you who know me know that I am a nerdy, geeky, goofball.

Identifying as a /*Digital*/ Humanist

Posted in Conferences, Digital Humanities, Reflections, and Research

So I’ve been thinking …
In the past few weeks I’ve found myself thinking about how I identify with the Digital Humanities and as a Digital Humanist. It’s possible that I’m hyperaware of issues relating to DH right now as I apply for jobs that are specifically or tangentially associated with Digital Studies, but I’ve been a Digital Humanist since long before I ever heard the term. Somewhere on Dropbox is my 2003 application to the UToronto MA program in which I waxed poetic about a digital scriptorium. In the years since I’ve got used to explaining and defending methodologies and perspectives, but recently I’ve been surprised by how many people still find us alien and a little bit threatening. In fact, it really hadn’t occurred to me that there is an “us.”

I’ve gone compartmental

Posted in Brittain Fellowship, Digital Humanities, Job search, Reflections, and Research

Sunny Sunday morning. The temperature is finally dropping below 80. And the leaves are changing. I still can’t get used to autumn in the south … No outdoors for me, though. The lists and stacks and deadlines just grow and loom. It’s not enough that there are seventy-five wiki entries waiting for me to grade them; a thirty-five page article accepted by ROMARD needs to be edited and resubmitted in ten days (thanks for reminding me – have to contact the Newberry and request permission to use their title page from A Game at Chess in the article). 


Posted in Reflections

I consider myself to be relatively well organized when it comes to work. I keep lists (I use Things synced between my Mac, iPad and iPhone to organize just about everything in my life), and I use DevonThink Pro Office to keep track of all research and most of my teaching resources. While my desktop (virtual and real) is not the tidiest, I know where everything is. So I’ve been looking forward to making the most of my efficiency this summer and make a serious dent in everything from writing to personal research projects to imageMAT prototype development to preparing for this fall’s job market. I never expected family emergencies to completely throw me off my game, but so they have. And while it has been at times by turns terrifying and exasperating, the experience of having to put my personal plans in abeyance has been an important lesson.