SCSC Panel Announced

Because considering one conference in one week isn’t enough, I’m organizing a panel at the Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference this fall. Sponsored by Iter and Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, it should be good fun.

Sixteenth Century Studies and New Technologies (SCSC Cincinnati Conference, 25-28 October 2012)
Since 2001, William Bowen and Ray Siemens have organized conference sessions that document innovative ways in which computing technology is being incorporated into the scholarly activity of our community. They also co-edit a publication series entitled New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The 3rd and 4th volumes of the NTMRS, published by Iter and Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, will be coming out this year.
At the 2012 SCSC meeting (25-28 October), we will continue to pursue this interest across several key projects, through a number of thematic touchstones, and in several emerging areas. For these sessions, we seek proposals in the following general areas, and beyond:
a) New technology and research (individual or group projects)
b) New technology and teaching (individual or group projects)
c) New technology and publication (e.g. from the vantage point of authors, traditional and non-traditional publishers)
We invite proposals of 200-300 words for papers, panels, demonstrations, and/or workshop presentations that focus on these issues. Please send proposals before April 10 to
Through the support of Iter, we are pleased to be able to offer travel subventions on a competitive basis to graduate students who present on these panels. Those wishing to be considered for a subvention should indicate this in their abstract submission.
For details of the SCSC conference see

William R Bowen, University of Toronto Scarborough
Ray Siemens, University of Victoria
Diane Jakacki, Georgia Institute of Technology