New work-home

Bucknell: Week One phase is now complete. It’s been exciting and exhausting and confusing and exilarating. There’s so much to do, and so many people to meet, and so many goals to set, and … I still can’t quite adjust to the feeling that the Bucknell DSC (both position and center) is a reality and not something I’ve wished into being. There were so many meet-and-greets this week that it was Friday before I was able to start to make sense of my notes.

There are immediate challenges ahead – most important will be setting up a system that will help us to manage expectations and establish the foundation for project completion and maintenance. The Mellon grant will be a great launch pad, but we need to ensure that we will be able to establish a realistic plan that addresses strategic goals and keeps us focused on achieving those goals in a realistic manner. More on all of this to come.

In the meantime things are cooking on several research and commitment fronts:

  1. I Skyped with Kelly Wainwright and Miranda Carney-Morris at Lewis & Clark on Friday: the schedule for the Digital Pedagogy Workshop is pretty well in place and almost ready for publication. I’m glad to have this year’s DHSI course under my belt and evaluative feedback received from participants – it’s valuable in helping me to shape the structure and deliverables for this compressed three-day version.
  2. Jason Boyd sent along reader comments on the Tarlton Project essay for the NTMRS REED volume. I’ve scanned the essay again to make sense of the comments, and realized how much my approach to the project has changed (evolved?) since I submitted the essay for review.
  3. I’ve gotten my sea-legs under me for the Henry VIII modern spelling component of the ISE edition. I’m still trying to decide whether I’m going to tackle this in several stages (spelling and then collation) or break it down into one more complete pass. I’m leaning toward the latter, but I’ll need to gauge what that means in terms of progress.

There’s more, but I can’t quite wrap my head around anything other than the need to do laundry, buy painting supplies, and pick up groceries.

Stay tuned.