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Tag: GIS

Is There Such a Thing as Digital Exceptionalism ..?

Posted in Digital Humanities, and Reflections

.. and is it a good witch? Or a bad witch?

I spend a lot of time talking to people – convincing people – wooing people to consider digital modes and methods when it comes to research and teaching. I’m happy doing this, not only because it’s my job, but because I (and excuse the goofy foot here) these things are fun for me, and I want to share that fun. Not the most serious, scholarly articulation, but those of you who know me know that I am a nerdy, geeky, goofball.

Identifying as a /*Digital*/ Humanist

Posted in Conferences, Digital Humanities, Reflections, and Research

So I’ve been thinking …
In the past few weeks I’ve found myself thinking about how I identify with the Digital Humanities and as a Digital Humanist. It’s possible that I’m hyperaware of issues relating to DH right now as I apply for jobs that are specifically or tangentially associated with Digital Studies, but I’ve been a Digital Humanist since long before I ever heard the term. Somewhere on Dropbox is my 2003 application to the UToronto MA program in which I waxed poetic about a digital scriptorium. In the years since I’ve got used to explaining and defending methodologies and perspectives, but recently I’ve been surprised by how many people still find us alien and a little bit threatening. In fact, it really hadn’t occurred to me that there is an “us.”