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Tag: family

A Thanksgiving Lego Battle for Middle Earth

Posted in Distractions

Lego The Lord of the Rings video game cover art

One of the highlights of my Thanksgiving was playing through the Lego Lord of the Rings video game with my nine year-old nephew. I’ve been considering using the game as part of a module on interaction design for my spring course, and so tricked him into helping me field test it. It took us two days and about 12 hours (and several puzzled queries from the rest of the family about whether we would be joining them for Thanksgiving dinner) but we saved Middle Earth.


Posted in Reflections

I consider myself to be relatively well organized when it comes to work. I keep lists (I use Things synced between my Mac, iPad and iPhone to organize just about everything in my life), and I use DevonThink Pro Office to keep track of all research and most of my teaching resources. While my desktop (virtual and real) is not the tidiest, I know where everything is. So I’ve been looking forward to making the most of my efficiency this summer and make a serious dent in everything from writing to personal research projects to imageMAT prototype development to preparing for this fall’s job market. I never expected family emergencies to completely throw me off my game, but so they have. And while it has been at times by turns terrifying and exasperating, the experience of having to put my personal plans in abeyance has been an important lesson.