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Identifying as a /*Digital*/ Humanist

Posted in Conferences, Digital Humanities, Reflections, and Research

So I’ve been thinking …
In the past few weeks I’ve found myself thinking about how I identify with the Digital Humanities and as a Digital Humanist. It’s possible that I’m hyperaware of issues relating to DH right now as I apply for jobs that are specifically or tangentially associated with Digital Studies, but I’ve been a Digital Humanist since long before I ever heard the term. Somewhere on Dropbox is my 2003 application to the UToronto MA program in which I waxed poetic about a digital scriptorium. In the years since I’ve got used to explaining and defending methodologies and perspectives, but recently I’ve been surprised by how many people still find us alien and a little bit threatening. In fact, it really hadn’t occurred to me that there is an “us.”

Digital Pedagogy at DHSI, part the second

Posted in Digital Pedagogy, and Reflections

White board
“White board” by Jeff Youngstrom on Flicker.

It’s hard to believe that I flew home from Victoria a week ago yesterday. I’m still decompressing and wrestling with the last vestiges of jet lag. And I’ve been thinking a lot about what I learned over the course of DHSI, especially what I learned in co-teaching the Digital Pedagogy course with Katherine D. Harris and Jentery Sayers.