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Author: Diane Jakacki

Early digital modern humanist. #a11y #reluctantpugilist


Posted in Reflections

The sky in Atlanta this morning is a clear vivid blue – the kind of sky that will always remind me of the days and weeks after 9/11, when it seemed that the attack on the Twin Towers had triggered some weird natural response. There was no rain, there were no clouds. The only airplane trails in the sky belonged to the fighter planes circling Manhattan. I could see them out of my office on the 13th floor of the HBO building facing the East River. 

Still juggling

Posted in Reflections

As a follow-up to the last post, which was devoted primarily to prioritizing the good things that are happening to me, I thought I might write about how I approach prioritizing. I am intrigued by the many different approaches to time management, and while I always advocate the learning of this skill to my students I realize that it is not possible to impose time management methods upon anyone. We’re all just too different. 

Prioritizing priorities

Posted in Reflections

I find myself in a place where I am overwhelmed with good things. My article on A Game at Chess has been accepted by ROMARD for their December 2011 issue. I’ve been asked to submit an essay to the NTRMS volume on REED. I’m chairing three panels at RSA on Digital Pedagogy and Early Modern Studies. I’m chairing the DHSI 2012 colloquium as well as co-teaching a DHSI course on Digital Pedagogy. I continue to work on imageMAT. I’m working on proposals to edit Henry VIII for ISE and reinforce the connections between the Tarlton Project and REED. This on top of teaching three sections of London City Comedy and an independent study course with two students that ties into the AFI database project. Plus all the Brittain Fellow responsibilities. Not to mention trying to prepare for the job market. 

Tarlton touring post

Posted in Research

Re-reading of McMillin and MacLean’s The Queen’s Men and their Plays has been yielding significant new questions about The Tarlton Project’s direction and content. Not only must I round out the touring section with equal emphasis on documentation of Queen’s Men performances at court and in London (not to mention a comparison with references to Tarlton’s solo appearances in both places), but I must address in more subtle terms the nature of the troupe’s touring practices. Very exciting.