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Author: Diane Jakacki

Early digital modern humanist. #a11y #reluctantpugilist

Wrestling with Titus – Round Two

Posted in Digital Pedagogy

What a difference reading a few blog posts and in-class discussion makes! After my disheartened post of Sunday I went back and read through a number of the course blog posts and comments that students posted last week regarding their reactions to watching Titus and its relation to their experiences reading Titus Andronicus. Their observations were thoughtful, insightful, and while most were still skittish about the representations of violence many were able to transcend that and consider why Taymor had pushed the violence to an almost cartoon-like level.

Wrestling with Titus

Posted in Digital Pedagogy

My students have been working their way through Titus Andronicus over the past two weeks. I knew it was ambitious to tackle that play with first-year students who do not, on the whole, express any real enthusiasm for early modern drama. There have been successes so far, most notably their reaction to seeing a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which I’ve written about in TECHStyle. But teaching Titus has been another story.

Day of DH madness

Posted in Brittain Fellowship, Digital Humanities, and Digital Pedagogy

OK. So I’ve begun my DH activities for the day. You can follow me at DH: Diane Jakacki. I’ll be tweeting throughout the extravaganza, but I’m already finding that I’m being more focused on getting things accomplished. Submitted my Fall ENGL1102 course description, and after the good feedback at RSA I’m going to expand the concept of student digital editions with a dialogic examination of the history plays, using the Queen’s Men’s The Famous Victories as a counterpoint to Shakespeare’s Henriad. This is going to be fun!