Author: Diane Jakacki
Checking back in
Have been flying below the radar lately. Have drafted several posts but life kept getting in the way of properly editing them. I have spent some time tweaking the site’s theme (still not happy with it, but I’ve become quite the theme hoarder).
Digital Pedagogy at DHSI, part the second
It’s hard to believe that I flew home from Victoria a week ago yesterday. I’m still decompressing and wrestling with the last vestiges of jet lag. And I’ve been thinking a lot about what I learned over the course of DHSI, especially what I learned in co-teaching the Digital Pedagogy course with Katherine D. Harris…
DHSI gets some Profhacker love
Gratifying to see Natalie Houston’s Profhacker article on her experience at DHSI, “Report from DHSI 2012” this morning. My favorite part articulates the constructive frustration expressed by so many speakers at the colloquium, “Every researcher, no matter what the field, comes up against things that don’t work, or hypotheses that don’t turn out to be…
Scrivener: let me count the ways
If I didn’t already have enough reasons to love Scrivener, George Williams’ post in today’s Profhacker, “Scrivener Makes a Good Transcription Tool” clinches the deal. I wish I’d known about this in April when I was scrambling to transcribe an interview for TECHStyle using ExpressScribe, which was unwieldy and awkward. Go go Scrivener!
DHSI/digped FTW – Pt. 1
While I’m still in the slipstream of DHSI, I thought I’d try and sketch out some of the best bits. I’ll come back with further pts. as they gel.