Month: July 2019

  • Do You Teach DH? This Survey Is For You!

    Brian Croxall and I are excited to announce the launch of a research study: “Who Teaches When We Teach Digital Humanities?” With this study, we hope to learn more about  the training and preparation of those who teach digital humanities the for-credit and informal teaching that DH teachers do “I teach DH!” you say. “How can I…

  • Posters at DH2019

    I’ll be presenting two posters at DH2019: “Encoding the ‘Floating Gap’”: Linking Cultural Memory, Identity, and Complex Place” (with Katherine Faull, Bucknell University): In this poster the authors present a model for encoding what ethnographers term the “floating gap” when constructing an historical gazetteer of place names. This step is especially crucial as scholars make…